0Wednesday. 16th January [1895]—On the Nile
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 January 1895 — On the Nile
Wednesday. 16th January [1895]. We were called at 7 & breakfasted at 8. At 8.30 we all went on shore at Dendereh. We had donkeys ready & there were 2 carrying chairs. Miss Lambton tried one & I the other. I had 4 bearers & they carried the chair on 2 long poles supported on their shoulders. They shouted as they went & sometimes ran—but their paces were rough & it was not very agreeable. In about 20 minutes through the young corn field we reached the great temple of the Goddess Hathor. It was a lovely morning & not too hot. We spent abt 2 hours examining the wonderful temple. The outer walls are covered with swarms of bees who have settled in the crevasses of the sculpture. We were surrounded by natives called for baksheesh. Some of the small boys had taken off their garments & decorated their heads & waists with green garlands of clover. Miss Lambton photod them. We rode back to our steamer by 11 & it started at once for Luxor. We had a magnificent sunset & arrived at Luxor a little after 6 just as it got dark.

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