0Tuesday. 15th January [1895]—On the Nile
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1895 — On the Nile
Tuesday. 15th January [1895]. We steamed up the Nile all day without stopping, past beautiful fields of bright green—palm trees—occasional towns—& all backed by delicately tinted hills– When the river wound under the rocky hills we could see ancient tombs & old quarries & Arabs employed in blasting rock & then rolling down blocks of stone to the water’s edge & others carrying them on board the boats. Every now & then there were men dipping up water for irrigation & everywhere the Arabs seem hard at work. Elaine & I tried to sketch as we went along & we had a splendid sunset with gorgeous colouring. “Tartarin” was not so noisy today but I found his niece with tears in her eyes after lunch & I tried to cheer her by talking Italian to her. She said it was the first & should be the last time she wd travel with her uncle. He had a vile temper & was so cranky &c &c. Our steamer stopped at 7.30 for the night at Disneh.

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