0Monday. 21st January [1895]—On the Nile
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 January 1895 — On the Nile
Monday. 21st January [1895]. We left Edfu before daybreak & passed by Pharaoh quarries abt 11 & were shown the place where he had a chain across the river & levied toll on passing ships. Talked to Lady Lewis whom I found to be Welsh & from Aberdare & Merthyr Tydfil. About 12 we stopped at Komombo where we landed & went a 5 minutes walk along the bank to see the Temple on a platform overlooking the river. We saw here Soudanese people, girls with their long hair smeared with castor oil and plaited in minute plaits hanging round their heads. We got to Assouan about 5 just after afternoon tea and landed to take a little walk & to see the Hotel & asked if I & Elaine’s rooms were ordered for us. It was very full but they promised to arrange for us.

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