0Tuesday. 12th February [1895]—On the Nile
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 February 1895 — On the Nile
Tuesday. 12th February [1895]. Left at early morning                & had to stop for nearly an hour on account of the thick fog on the river but we reached Cairo soon after 4 o’cl. Sent the servants & luggage to Mena House by the omnibus & Elaine & I went in a cab into the town & did some shopping & then drove out to Mena. It was nearly 7 when we got there & quite dark & rather chilly. We found the Lambton party—Lady Victoria, her daughter & nephew & Messrs Mossop & de Bareto all staying there & joined their table at meals. The dining room is a large hall rather like a mosque with a raised dais round it on which are the small round tables for separate parties. We had good rooms on 2nd floor with electric light.

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