0Monday. 25th February [1895]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 February 1895 — Cairo
Monday. 25th February [1895]. Elaine & I had the boy in the garden to paint– After lunch I painted in my own room. At 4.30 I went down to see if the others were at tea & not finding them was going back to my room when I heard some one calling me who turned out to be Lady Wilfreda Biddulph. She & Mr B. are staying in Cairo & had driven over for the day. After tea I walked up the hill behind the hotel Elaine & the rest Aline & the 2 young men Mossop & De Bareto went up on donkeys. Elaine & I tried to paint the sunset in pastels—a difficult matter & we had not much success in this our first attempt.

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