0Wednesday. 20th March [1895]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 March 1895 — Cairo
Wednesday. 20th March [1895]. Woke very tired & headachy & still with a cold in my head so I remained late in bed. I managed to get well eno’ to go to the Giseh museum with Mr Hamilton Long who came to fetch us & took us there in his carriage. We met the Naville family there & he explained some things. But we had a hasty view & merely ran thro’ it all—so that I hardly know what I saw. Yesterday at the Angleterre I met Mr Cartwright Henry’s old friend—to my surprise & asked him & his daughter to come & dine tonight but I put them off till tomorrow as I felt so unwell. We got back to Ghesireh at 5 & had tea on the terrace outside Elaine’s room. Mr Long drove her to the Angleterre as she was engaged to have tea with Miss Benson. Lord Egerton of Tatton joined our table for dinner.

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