0Thursday. 2nd May [1895]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 May 1895 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 2nd May [1895]. Elaine went to lunch with the Edens & they took her to Torcello. Ola & I lunched together & then we had a talk about her future plans. She said she still adheres to her wish to become a hospital nurse so I assented to it & it is so settled. I know Henry would have been sorry about it & so I withstood it as long as I could but Elaine has discussed it with Ola & also thinks it will be better for her to try it and so it is to be. I was very miserable at the talk & discussions but I have no doubt it will all come right in the end. Mme Wiel came to call at 3.30 & I consulted her as she is such a friend of Ola’s & she approves & was very kind & sympathetic to me. After tea I went off in gondola to the Eden’s garden to join Elaine & bring her back & walked a bit there & saw the iris which were in full bloom. After dinner the Miles, mother & son came to us. We were to have taken them out for a row but instead they remained an hour & discoursed music. Late at night Elaine came to my room & being hungry we proceeded to the kitchen & cooked some Benger’s food for her.

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