0Tuesday. 14th [May 1895]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 May 1895 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 14th [May 1895]. Kate had the carriage & drove out in the morning & after lunch she drove with me & Nelly & her sister Mary. We came in at 4.30. Elaine came to tea and also Aline Lambton & Mr Barreto, Cornelia & Henry Guest. Kitty returned home by a 5.30 train with her Mary & Monty who came in here this morning after lunch. I begin to feel this is all too much for me. I am not equal to it. Henry Guest came to dine with me & we afterwards went to No 17 to see Ivor &c. Cornelia started a plan for sending me off to Canada to take care of Henry Guest but happily for both of us it fell thro’. Young men dont want to go about with middle aged Aunts.

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