0Saturday. 25th [May 1895]—Devonshire House, Weymouth
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1895 — Devonshire House, Weymouth
Saturday. 25th [May 1895]. Read & worked & then walked to the station to meet Monty who arrived at 1.40. Lord Ilchester was with him. They had come down for a meeting so I lunched alone & they came later & lunched together. At 4 Monty & I walked to the station & I met Lady Gregory who came at 4.15. We walked back home together & discussed the plan for my going to live at Savile Row. She urges me to do it and I feel she is right. So I went & told Monty I would. He was pleased but says I am not to decide in too great a hurry. But I feel the step is taken. He left by 5.30 train & returned to London. Augusta & I took a walk thro’ the town & on the downs. It was dull weather & rather foggy.

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