0Saturday. 22nd June [1895]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 June 1895 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 22nd June [1895]. The Guests left for Norway at 11. At 11 I went out driving went to see Blanche & Edward & said good bye and left for Weymouth in the afternoon—& they are going soon to Ireland. Edward gave me my banking book & said it was found there was also £1000 wrong on the Credit side—so that there is no difference in my balance. I went on to Maria’s & she came out driving with me & accompanied me to shops & returned to lunch with me & went to the station & saw me off by 2.25 train which deposited me at Weymouth worn & tired out abt 7. I dined & went early to bed.

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