0Monday. 16th September [1895]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 September 1895 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 16th September [1895]. Walked out. Packed. Lunch at 1.30. Gave Haynes orders about arranging the curtains here for the rooms at Savile Row. Left Euston Station by 2.45 train for Rugby. Changed & went to Ullesthorpe for Lutterworth. I found a fly waiting to convey me to the Rectory where Cecil has been settled the last 2 years. Henry & I had never been down there. A charming place & pretty country & a fine old church where Wycliffe had lived & died. I got there about 6 & sat on the lawn with my sister Kate. Her sons Monty, Henry & Reggie are at home & the girls Eda & Mary. Patience.

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