0Monday. 30th [December 1895]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 December 1895 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 30th [December 1895]. Wrote a good many letters in the morng & before lunch Monty Alderson arrived. He had a bad cold & we sat by the fire & talked. After lunch we went for a walk & I helped him to buy books & presents for his sisters & we went up as far as Berners St to buy some music. The streets were so crowded it was not easy to get along Oxford St so I brought him a short cut by Soho. We found his sister Eda arrived to stay the night here we returned at 4 o’cl. Sat & talked & had tea & Monty returned to Hatfield by 7.30 train. Nela came & dined with Eda & me–

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