0Saturday. 22nd [February 1896]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 February 1896 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 22nd [February 1896]. Painted in studio & finished the fan I had begun at Springfield. Left London by 12.25 train & went to Oxford where I arrived at 2.9. I lodged at the Randolph Hotel. My object in going to Oxford is to see Sophia Palmer who is living here with her 2 aunts. It was very lonely to be going for the first time to an hotel by myself—but I roused myself & went out for a walk & then came back to the hotel & read & worked. Sophy came in for a few minutes before dinner—having arrived from London after me & being very tired she said she could not come back in the evening as she had arranged.

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