0Saturday. 29th [February 1896]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 February 1896 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 29th [February 1896]. I went with Mrs Rate to Dorking by 10.30 train from Victoria. Her carriage met us at the station & we went straight to Springfield & met gardeners, agents &c & measured out the space in my bedroom where the new window is to be made as Mrs Rate thinks it will make my room prettier. We had lunch & then her poney carriage came & took us to Milton where she transacted some business & then I drove her on to the station for her to return to town. We arrived just too late for the train so she went to the other line & waited for a train. My sister Maria who had come down for Sunday passed us in a fly on the road as also Ruth & Nela Du Cane & Nelly Alderson who were walking. On my return from Dorking I stopped to buy fish for our dinner & then caught up the girls & Ruth got into the carriage & drove with me. We all got to Springfield for 5 o’cl tea—& were soon joined by Louis Du Cane. Maria had brought down a maid to help Mrs Young & the girls waited on themselves & were all the maids.

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