0Wednesday. 20th [May 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 May 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 20th [May 1896]. The answer from Signor Zuccato is that the police give a bad account of Luigi—all is true—& he has been twice condemned for theft & they advise me not to keep him & I decided to pay him a week’s wages in advance & let him go at once. I am almost sorry as he has been punctual, attentive & clean & it is hard to turn upon him but I dare not let him stay. Roberts the butler was evidently rather afraid of him & asked me to speak to him—which I agreed to do—but Bertha (housekeeper) would not let me do so as they feared he was a desperate character, altho I assured them I was not afraid of him or of any man. However at the last moment I had to be called in as just before dinner he suddenly got his conjé & would hardly believe it as he had rowed me in the afternoon. Fine day—storm in evening.

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