0Thursday. 11th June [1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 June 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 11th June [1896]. I was so tired that I remained in bed till lunch time. Mrs Eden came to see me & to talk about 2 villas to be let at Belluno near their villa, as I want to take one for the summer months. Mrs Wallman, née Holas, also came to see me. Miss de Winton & her 2 nieces Violet de Winton daughter of our old friend Sir Francis de Winton & her cousin came to lunch with us– 3 Miss De Wintons—Augusta & I went to tea at Css Pisani’s at 4 to meet the Evan Smiths, the Curtis, Prince v. Schönberg & the Belmondos. We stayed there a long time. The Countess (Pisani) came to dine with us—& left early–

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