0Tuesday. 30th [June 1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 June 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 30th [June 1896]. I was rather headachy when I woke so I did not get up till 11 but wrote my letters in bed. After lunch read until 5. D. Weisäcker the Director of the gallery at Frankfurt came to see the pictures. Css Canevaro & her sister Maria came to tea & to bid me goodbye as they leave town tomorrow. Aimée Cariati came & Mrs Hulton & later Iduna Bel & we 3 went out in gondola together to the Piazza & shopped & then to the Montalbas to leave a message & it was past 8.30 when I got home to dinner. Afterwards I fetched Clara & Hilda Montalba & took them for a row & came home by 11 to bed.

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