0Thursday. 23rd [July 1896]—Villa Mier, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 July 1896 — Villa Mier, Belluno
Thursday. 23rd [July 1896]. I breakfasted in bed & got up to 12 o’cl lunch. Read Gibbon to each other. At 4 Sophy & I went for a drive to Salce to call on the Edens. Mr Eden was at home & gave us tea & showed Sophy over the place & then we drove to Socchieva to call on M. & Mme Wiel (nata Lawley). Mrs Eden had been calling there & they had gone out with her so we drove home again. Their villa is much lower than this or the Edens but it is approached by a lovely hornbeam avenue very long & very wide & had an old fashioned Italian garden with clipped hedges of hornbeam. Read Gibbon in eveng.

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