0Tuesday. 25th [August 1896]—Villa Mier, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 August 1896 — Villa Mier, Belluno
Tuesday. 25th [August 1896]. Mr Montalba came from S. Silvestro di Cart to spend the day with us. He arrived at 7. After lunch I discovered that one of my piping bullfinches had escaped from his cage door having been left open. He was discovered in a tree in the garden & we all went out—servants & all—to try & get the truant back. But he seemed satisfied with his new found liberty & went from tree to tree till I feared he would never return– Suddenly he changed his mind & flew back to the lawn. I approached quietly with his cage—& put it near him—after going round it once or twice he hopped in & began to drink. He had not found any water while out & came back to the cage for it. Mr Montalba walked over to Salce to see the Edens & brought Carry Eden back to tea with him—& then he returned himself to Feltre by 6.30 train.

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