0Thursday. 5th [November 1896]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 November 1896 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 5th [November 1896]. I went off after breakfast to Cavendish Square to see Blanche who arrived early this morning with her girl Irène from Ireland. Sat & talked with her—& looked over her Garry Hill Industry work. At 12 the carriage fetched me & Ola in it & I went to Waterloo Station & left by 12.30 train for Wareham with my maid. I reached Bere at 4.30. Found my brother Arthur at home & Nelly Alderson & a Mr Charles Wyld staying there for hunting. Arthur showed me his hot houses & fine chrysanthemums—& then taught me to play the game of Matador a kind of dominoes with card dominoes.

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