0Wednesday. 9th December [1896]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 December 1896 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 9th December [1896]. I got a specimen of ribbon work finished for Garry Hill after breakfast. Nela came & helped me—& then Blanche came bringing a fan to be touched up. I did a good deal to it & then walked to Cav. Sqr to lunch there & finished the fan afterwards. Met my sister Connie there who has just returned to town & the first time we had met since my return from Venice. After lunch Blanche & her daughter Irène went off to Brighton & I sent them to the station in my carriage & I walked up to Pk Crescent to see Maria who is kept in by a cold. It came on to rain as I went & was very nasty walking. When I left Maria I brought away Miss May (their music mistress) & Daisy & Isabel & the latter had tea with me. Sir Henry Thompson came to tea & brought me a letter from Henry to him wh he thought I might like to copy– He took the 2 Du Cane girls home. I went to dine at 33 Gros. Road with Mrs Biddulph & Sophy Palmer & we sat with Frida after dinner who is laid up on the sofa in an interesting condition.

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