0Monday. 11th [January 1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 January 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 11th [January 1897]. Miss Hogarth came to luncheon with me & I took her out driving. We called on Lady Thompson & saw her but did not stay long as she was ready dressed to go out for her drive. Then we went on to 25 Pk Crest & called on my sister Maria. Then I took her to Mrs Harry Dickens & I went in to call on her at Egerton Gardens– She is a handsome woman with nice cheery manners. I took Miss Hogarth on to her own house 55 Oakley St & leaving her there. Arrived home & dined with the Du Canes at Pk Crescent. Rosie Guest was there & I took her to her home when we left.

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