0Thursday. 4th March [1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 March 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 4th March [1897]. Painted all morning with Nellie & Nela. Cold & some flakes of snow & later in the day there were hailstorms. After lunch drove with Nellie—shopped & called on Lady Gregory & found Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff with her—& left him there & returned home to tea. Mr John Fraser came & we talked of the state of things in the East as he takes great interest in F. Affairs being on the Stock Exchange. The world is on tiptoe of expectation as to whether Greece will accept the ultimatum of “the Powers” & withdraw her troops from Crete– It is believed she will not & can not—& we seem on the verge of a general war—in which Turkey will go to the wall—& who knows what will follow. I dined alone. Annie Cole—our Ex cook—staying here with her child came in to sit with me. The child has a cold & is feverish & I went up to see her before I went to bed.

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