0Friday. 19th March [1897]—Lutterworth
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 March 1897 — Lutterworth
Friday. 19th March [1897]. Kate & I went on with the MS in the morning– Wood carving. Drove with Cecil to Misterton to have tea with the Fox. Mr Fox is a solicitor who has lately come into £15000 a year. His wife is a friend of Kate’s & they have 3 daughters—heiresses—Mrs Fox showed us all her little treasures, pictures &c wh they inherited. She is a quiet gentle little woman—very happy at her acquisition & young eno’ to enjoy it—but hardly knowing what to do with it all. We walked back to Lutterworth through the fields struggling against the wind which was very high. Then Kate & I worked at changing & rehanging some of her pictures. Mary sang after dinner & then Kate & I did some MSS correcting.

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