0Sunday. 28th [March 1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 March 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 28th [March 1897]. I took Mary Alderson to the Chapel Royal St James & we heard Dr Stark, Bishop of Clogher preach—not remarkable– In the evening abt 6 I walked off to call on the Rates who have lately returned from Nice—both were out & I only saw Miss Enid & her fiancé. I hastened home—dressed—& went to dine with Lady Gregory at Q. Anne’s Mansions to meet Sir Harry & Lady Johnson & Mr Moore the novelist who wrote “Esther Waters.” Sir Harry is very small—& very pleasant & unassuming. His wife very young—not very good looking—but very quiet. Mr M. rather paradoxical—& evidently pleased with himself– When dinner was over & we rose I found I had got an attack of rheumatism in my knee & could scarcely stand. With the help of an arm & a stick I managed to hobble to the carriage & got home to bed. Mary dined with the Du Canes.

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