0Wednesday. 21st [April 1897]—Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 April 1897 — Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
Wednesday. 21st [April 1897]. Worked at music all morning. It rained & there was a Scotch mist—wearied of being kept indoors we decided to go out & Edward drove Blanche & me in the dog cart to Fiddown & showed me the burying place of his family. There are some interesting monuments there & he is contemplating removing them & the remains of his ancestors to the new church at Piltown. The Fiddown chapel is the chancel which alone remains of the old church & is now only used as a mortuary chapel. We took a short drive on leaving Fiddown & returned home for tea at 5. After that Blanche & I tucked up our skirts & sallied forth to the village on various little errands & then hurried back. Irene read aloud to us till dinner time. Mr Walsh (the land Agent) & his daughter dined here. After dinner we practised various songs for the concert. Canon & Mrs Lyons also dined. Very charming people. I began to have a cold & lost my voice.

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