0Sunday. 16th May [1897]—Burren, nr. Kinvara, County Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 May 1897 — Burren, nr. Kinvara, County Galway
Sunday. 16th May [1897]. I had a headache when I got up & lay all day in a chair in the sitting room unable to do anything. It was a lovely day. Augusta & Annie (my maid) went at 3 o’cl to the service in the little Protestant church on the road between this & the village & Augusta brought the clergyman Mr Elliott back to tea– He is a fair tall stout man—rather sleepy in manner but looked good & kind. After tea & a little rather difficult conversation he left us to walk back to Ballyvaughan where he lives. I was better & Augusta & I went out abt 6 & sat on the shore & watched the sunset.

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