0Thursday. 12th [August 1897]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 August 1897 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Thursday. 12th [August 1897]. I packed my things early so as to be ready to return to town– Mrs Rate very kindly sent me in to Dorking an hour before the train & after dropping my luggage at the Station I went to pay a visit to Mrs Kay at Fredley. She was both surprised & pleased to see me & I spent ½ hour with her & her friend Mr Pomerod & then went back to the station & left by 12.47 train for Victoria. The train was ½ hour late in London & when I got to Savile Row I found Lady Margaret Jenkins waiting lunch for me & my brother Arthur also there. When he left Lady Margaret & I walked out together to shop & I finished up with going to the dentist & then home to tea. Lady Margaret & I dined together & went early to bed. Had a long visit from old Sir Fred Burton much aged tho’ very kind.

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