0Saturday. 14th [August 1897]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 August 1897 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 14th [August 1897]. Mr Vigor came to give me & Nelly a lesson in painting but Nelly had gone to Rochester with Lady Cranborne & had neither left out the painting materials nor returned so I sat & talked to Mr Vigor hoping every moment for Nelly’s return. Abt 12 my brother Merthyr came. He stayed an hour had a little pleasant talk—a little refreshment & then went on his way. I was pleased to see him looking well & strong. Ola came to lunch & Mr Vigor remained on & Nellie returned in the middle of lunch. Mr Vigor kindly corrected our drawings & left soon after lunch. I took a walk with Nellie to Half Moon St. Arthur was out but as we were returning up Piccadilly we met him & walked back with him to his house. He told me he had had an answer from Mrs Drax declining to build him an extra room at Bere Regis—also that he has decided to change his gardener there & send away Hunt. Arthur leaves for Brussels to see the Exhibition tonight. Went to the dentist & then home to tea. Nellie & I dined alone & I went very early to bed.

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