0Saturday. 12th February [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 February 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 12th February [1898]. I walked up to Cav. Square to speak to Miss Jeffereys abt some Irish work & found Blanche just going out walking so I accompanied her. We walked down to Eaton Place where I left her & went on to Sloane St to try on a bonnet—then took a cab home. My sister Constance came to lunch with me. At 3.30 her daughter Bee came for her & I walked down to Half Moon Street & sat with Arthur a bit– Then sat sometime in the drawing room with Rhuvon—who seemed happier about his father & seemed to think the Drs were pleased with him– Returned home by 5. Louis Du Cane came to tea—& then Dacre called & then Aline Lambton who remained sometime talking—poor little thing as drooping & acting as ever but very gentle & pretty. Arthur talked much about the flowers & garden at Bere & seemed pleased that I talk of going down to see after it & said Arthur Du Cane should take me down. He also wants me to buy some nice birds—to take them.

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