0Monday. 14th [February 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 February 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 14th [February 1898]. I walked to 17 Cav. Sqr in the morning & returned home to lunch. My sister Maria came to lunch & also Augusta Gregory. Maria stayed till 3.30 when she was fetched by her daughter Alice who called in a carriage & had Ruth & a Twin with her. I walked with the two latter to Half Moon St but found I could not see Arthur as he was asleep. I hurried on to Thurloe Sqr to meet Blanche with whom I was to drive. I found her at Rigal the dress maker’s & Bee Eliot also there. We drove to S. Kensington Museum where B. saw Mr Alan Cole on business– We drove to shops in Sloane St & then thro’ Hyde Park. At Stanhope Gate I got out & walked to Half Moon St but Arthur could not see me—so I hurried home to meet Dr Lankester whom I had sent for to see the footman who is not well & I feared he would have influenza. He reassured me– I went to dine at 17 Cav. Sqr. Nelly also dined out.

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