0Saturday. 26th [February 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 February 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 26th [February 1898]. I walked to Arthur’s in morng but did not see him. Took a hansom & went to Cav. Sqr & saw Blanche. Returned home to lunch with Sophy. Connie also came to lunch. Nevil Gordon came soon after 3 & I left her with Sophy to talk & went to my bedroom where Elaine came & fetched me—& sat & told me her story. How she had only known Mr Ernest Villiers since Christmas & how nice he was. I told her how glad I was & that I feel she wd now be a good & useful & happy woman. Lady Reay calling disturbed our talk & Elaine went away. Nela came abt 7 & she & I went in a hansom to Roberts & Bertha’s eating house 5C Lower Thames St where they gave us an excellent dinner in their bed parlour & showed us all their house. It is all very nice clean & comfortable. I saw there Bertha’s niece Sarah who is now a kitchenmaid & I engaged her as my cook after the end of the “season.” Got home before 10 & went to bed. Nelly came in later & sat talking.

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