0Saturday. 5th [March 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 5th [March 1898]. Henry’s birthday. I walked out in the morng went to Half Moon Street & Nellie accompanied me to the tailor to try on a dress, then home. Mrs Ball—Lady Gregory & Connie came to lunch– Mrs Ball walked as far as Half Moon Street & then left me. I paid Arthur a short visit & then Nelly & I took a walk together. I left her in Cav. Sqr & went on to see Maria & had tea with her. Found her very feeble. Dr Prendergast, the Paris Dr & a friend of Dacre Du Cane’s came to see her & is to try if he can do her any good. Connie came to dine with me– Nelly was out.

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