0Friday. 4th March [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 4th March [1898]. Wrote in morning & typed. Lady Lytton came to lunch with me—kind gentle & loveable but sadly faded & frail looking. I gave her information she wanted about Venice where she is going to stay for a short time this spring. When she left me at 3 I went out & walked to some shops & to call on Maria who was not in—to see Lady Thompson who was at home & home to tea. Dined at Wimborne house. Sat next to my brother Ivor. Lord de Ramsay took me in to dinner. Lord & Lady Stanhope dined also. Elaine’s fiancé came late in the eveng having just returned from the continent. He was not introduced to me. I liked the look of him from the distance.

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