0Monday. 7th [March 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 7th [March 1898]. Wrote letters &c in morning. Lady Gregory came to lunch. Mrs Bruce fetched me & took me for a drive. Bitter weather & snowed part of the time. Home to tea. At 6 I walked to Half Moon Street. Found Arthur on a couch for the first time & I sat with him till 7. It was a great thing to see him out of bed at last—tho’ not dressed. He was pleased also. At 7 I walked home dressed & went to dine at 144 Piccadilly with Mr & Mrs Wentworth Beaumont. Mr Hodgson took me in & I sat next Mr Beaumont. Css Tolstoy & Mr P. Stanhope, Mr & Lady Helen Munro Fergusson, M. & Mme Blumenthal, Ct Gleichen & the Belgian Minister were the party. I only knew the Blumenthals—& the Belgian said he was a secy at Madrid while we were there & therefore knew me. Came home early–

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