0Thursday. 24th March [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 March 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 24th March [1898]. Kate went out in the morning notwithstanding the cold & snow. After lunch she [went] to Wimborne House & I walked to Half Moon St & I saw Arthur for a few moments. Nelly accompanied me to Wim. House to fetch Kate. It was blowing raining & snowing & was bitterly cold. From there we went to Mrs Murray Brook the dressmaker’s to see the last wondrous fashions from Paris. The most brilliant colours yellow cerise blue &c & much trimming of lace flowers &c & long pointed trains to the skirts. We then hurried home to stay & keep warm. Connie came to luncheon– Mrs A. Hanson, & Lady Alderson & her son Ralph came to tea. Augusta Gregory dropped in later. Henry Alderson came to dinner & Nellie dined at home.

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