0Friday. 10th [June 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 June 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 10th [June 1898]. Arthur was bright & cheerful this morning & played bésique with his son. Merthyr came to see him & he & I had a long talk over all this sad question of Arthur’s illness. Kate & Rhuvon went up to lunch with Blanche at 17 Cav. Sqr so Nellie & I had a quiet lunch with Arthur & we went out abt 3 o’cl & left Mr A. Burton paying Arthur a visit. I went to choose a wedding present for Molly Alderson who is 59 & is going to marry her old love Sir William Humphrey. Then Nellie & I parted & I went to join Kate. Blanche drove us up to Park Crescent to call on Maria & left us there. Maria was out in a bath chair so we took a turn in Regent’s Park & returned to Park Crest: to wait for her. I left Kate & walked to York Terrace & called on Mrs Tweedie but she was not at home so I returned to Kate & we sat a little with Maria & then left her & walked home to Savile Row—arriving just in time for tea. Mildred called but Arthur would not see her– He looked pale & fagged & evidently Bond’s conversation with him yesterday had begun to tell on him. Nurse Papworth tells me he talked to her about it & said he had no hope now & had to face it. That he should tell Rhuvon & me & no one else. It nearly breaks my heart & I can think of little else. Mr Burton came to fetch me at 8 o’cl & we walked up together to Cav. Sqr & dined with the Duncannons. He told me Arthur had talked the whole matter over with him & asked him whether he thought he would suffer at the end. Lord & Lady Bessboro’ dined at Cav. Sqr & there was no one else but the 2 Ponsonby girls. I came home at 10 in case Arthur was awake but he was not so I went to bed. Kate dined with the Merthyr Guests.

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