0Tuesday. 5th [July 1898]—Chenies
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 July 1898 — Chenies
Tuesday. 5th [July 1898]. I had slept well & am refreshed. I got no letter from Nellie & so resolved to go up to town in the afternoon to see how Arthur was. I sat out of doors in the morning working & learning French poetry. We lunched at 1.15 (Mr & Mrs Trotter & Dr Moule left Chenies in the morning). I drove to Chorley Wood and went to town by 2.27 train & got home at 3.30. I found Arthur on his couch in the drawing room—but not very grand. He was very glad to see me back. I remained to tea 7 saw Dr Bond who came at 5 to give him his bath. Bond looked serious and said he was not pleased with him that his head was not so clear—& that he feared he had taken a bad turn. However he advised me to go back to Chenies to sleep there as he thought there was no immediate fear. As Arthur fell asleep & was soon to go to bed I went by 6.30 train back to Chenies. Mrs Jellicoe & Rhuvon, Nellie & I were at tea & Arthur was wheeled in after his bath. Bond came in to tea & smoked & talked till 6 & when he went Arthur said “I thought he would never go”—& seemed tired. Nurse McArthur was gone & a nice little pleasant looking girl called “Gould” has come in her place. It was nearly dinner time when I got back to Chenies. We dined & went early to bed Addie & I being alone. Today the 4th sad anniversary.

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