0Tuesday. 12th July [1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 July 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 12th July [1898]. Arthur about the same in the morning. Rhuvon sat with him. I sat downstairs & wrote letters & cheques to pay bills. Ivor came to enquire about Arthur & asked if we wanted money for him & said he would arrange to keep £2000 wh he had to pay Arthur at our disposal. Sophie Palmer came to me for a minute to say that she was unable to come & spend a little time with me this morning as she had promised—as Lady Salisbury had sent for her this morng the operation having been postponed till tomorrow. Nellie & I lunched in the studio. Rhuvon went out to lunch. We went up to Arthur’s room for a little while and bound wool round his 2 rings to prevent his dropping them off as his hands have got so desperately thin. While we were standing by him he suddenly looked at Nellie & said in a loud tone “Will you go”—& then again later he said the same thing so she came away. N. Papworth said she thought he wished to be quite quiet. Mildred & Jack Mansel came to tea & Rhuvon returned. When Dr Bond came at 5 & had given Arthur his bath he came down to tea & said he found Arthur weaker. The nurses had carried him to the bath. When I went up I found N. Papworth much alarmed as she said he was so exhausted after the bath. He lay on the couch looking very ill. Rhuvon & Nellie went in so I remained out. Mildred took me aside & consulted me as to whether she should leave for Dorsetshire on Thursday. I was puzzled to know—what to say & thought she might do so—but on reflection I told Rhuvon I thought she ought not. Rhuvon went after her to Roehampton where she is staying to tell her. I went for a quick walk abt 6 to Cav. Sqr to see Blanche & tell her he was worse– She had been to ask abt him before tea & wanted to hear Bond’s last opinion. I stayed but a short time & got back before 7. I went in to Arthur’s room in my bonnet & as soon as he saw me he said “I am delighted to see you” & when I bent down to kiss him he put his arm round my neck & then held my hand—but the flash past by– I dined up in my own room & sat in Arthur’s room till near 11. He was restless & it is a very hot night. I had just got into bed when my maid Knapp heard a bell & went down. It was Blanche who had called on her way back from a dinner to enquire & says she has decided not to leave for Ireland tomorrow evening. Edward has to go to be High Sheriff in Carlow & will start with the girls– This afternoon Mr Bircham called & we had a long talk abt Arthur’s affairs. I told him of the money Ivor has arranged about.

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