0Friday. 15th [July 1898]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 July 1898 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 15th [July 1898]. Bond came at 9 & gave Arthur his disinfectant bath. He came down with tears in his eyes saying he should never see him again. He takes his sick wife away to the country today & returns on Sunday night– He thought Arthur will die tonight or tomorrow. Rhuvon & I sat nearly all day by Arthur’s couch where he remained from his bath till 6 P.M. He seems to suffer a great deal. He knew us. Kate went in & he did not notice her evidently taking her for me. But when Blanche went he motioned her to go– Mr Bircham saw him & he knew him also Monty & Mrs Jellicoe. It was a terrible day. Rhuvon telegraphed for Mildred fm Dorsetshire & met her at the station at 4.40 & took her to Half Moon St where she sleeps tonight. Nellie is to sleep in my maid’s room & the maid goes to Half Moon St. After tea I went out & at the door met Ivor coming to enquire. He lent me his brougham to go to Cav. Sqr where I found Blanche, Kate & Connie together. I took a walk with Connie as far as S. Audley St & in Berkeley Sqr we parted & I came home—& found Arthur had been put back to bed– Mildred had arrived & she & Rhuvon dined with me. I sent them off home early & remained in Arthur’s room with N. Papworth watching his sufferings wh made my heart bleed. Connie turned up abt 10 for the 3rd time today to enquire after Arthur. At 10.30 I came off to bed—rather exhausted– Mr Alfred Burton (M.D.) also saw Arthur today & was recognised by him. He thinks Arthur is still stronger than we fear. We can hardly wish it. It is a terribly hot night.

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