0Sunday. 7th August [1898]—Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 August 1898 — Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
Sunday. 7th August [1898]. It was pouring when I woke. I remained in bed till luncheon & wrote letters. Merthyr came over from Seabera soon after lunch & he & I went & sat in the summer house at the point over looking the sea & had a long talk. I tried to get him to be lenient & I think he will be so—but fear that Mrs Arthur Guest will make matters difficult by her perversity. When we returned to Maria at 5 to tea I found Mr & Mrs Russell there. Mrs R. is a daughter of our old friend Lord Aberdare. Merthyr disappeared & went home. Nela & I walked across the moor to Seabera to call on Theo & Merthyr & came home just in time for 8 o’cl dinner– Fine afternoon–

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