0Saturday. 27th [August 1898]—Hatfield
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1898 — Hatfield
Saturday. 27th [August 1898]. I went to the House in the morng & finished my copy—& returned home to luncheon. At 4 it began to rain. Mrs Burns sent her carriage to fetch Nellie & me & we went to visit her at North Minions an old Elizabethan house about 4 miles from here. She is doing it up & adding to the house. Some parts is very well done but others I do not admire—& take away from the old character of the building. Mrs Burns is a very rich American lady & very pleasant & kind. Her daughter is charming but very plain. We had a splendid tea very well served. Mrs B. showed us over the house—the different rooms only have furnished or finished—all to be done in a most costly manner. Dr van Someren was there & another young man a Mr Pope– The rain cleared off so Nelly & I walked back to Hatfield. It was a splendid evening & delightfully cool after the rain. It took us about an hour to walk home– Mr George Horner arrived at 8 to stay till Monday & help with tomorrow’s services. During dinner I received a note from the police station to say that a dog corresponding with the description of the dog we had lost had been found in London & was to be heard of at Bishopgate police station so poor old Turk is found again. Nelly is going off tomorrow to London by the early train to claim him.

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