0Sunday. 28th [August 1898]—Hatfield
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28 August 1898 — Hatfield
Sunday. 28th [August 1898]. Nelly went to London by 9 o’cl train. I breakfasted with Mr Horner & Monty & went to church at 11. On my return I found Nellie with Turk. He had gone into Mappins wholesale warehouse stables in the city on Friday & had been taken to the police station. His delight when he saw Nellie was very great. He still had his muzzle on when found so he can have eaten very little since he was lost last Saturday & he is quite thin. I have no doubt that had he not been so hungry he would have made his way on to Savile Row. After lunch Nellie & I walked to the police station here to say we had found him. Returned home to tea. Mrs Smith the Curate’s wife came to tea—rather a pretty woman. Nelly & I went afterwards to walk in the gardens taking old Turk & Nibs the parraqueet. It turned very cold & there was a gt shower of rain abt sunset wh made us seek shelter & then hurry home. Mr Horner & Monty dined at home. A young man Frank Byford came to see me after dinner to offer for my place as butler. He is a footman near here at a Mrs Barclay– I agreed to take him– I do not think I could manage a parlour maid at Venice.

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