0Tuesday. 17th [January 1899]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 January 1899 — Rome
Tuesday. 17th [January 1899]. Woke with headache & did not get up till 11. Then went for a walk on the Pinchio for an airing– Met the Curtis when I came back; did not go out again but remained in my sitting room only going down to 1st floor for a short time to pay a visit to Baromie de Bülow whose husband was for many years Danish Minister in London & who was an old friend of Henry’s. The Vivians called for me & took me to dine at our Embassy. I found a large party—abt 30 people. The artist Mr Thadeus took me to dinner & on my right I had a Austrian secy. M. & Mme Nelidoff the Russian Ambassador were the swells of the dinner– Lady Ampthill was there. I had a long talk to Nelidoff in the evening. He was at Consple in my day there. Like all Russians he is agreeable. A few people came in the evening– Lady Currie was amiable– At first I thought her very plain but when she became animated she improved & one could see she has been good looking. She is stout & was well dressed—but is not distingué in appearance. Thadeus (whose real name is Jones) tells me he is going to paint a large picture of the Pope & cardinals—& have sittings from them—& said he wd invite me to his studio when he has got the first sketch done– On the whole the evening was not entertaining tho’ Sir P. & Lady C. were hospitable & entertained well. Did not stay late.

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