0Sunday. 29th [January 1899]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 January 1899 — Rome
Sunday. 29th [January 1899]. Went to morning service at the English Church Via Babuino. The D. & Dss of Connaught were there with their girls. The National Anthem was played before we left the church. I did not go out again all day but had a great many visitors, beginning with Ct Gino Marcello & Count de Basterot, Mme de Bülow, Prince Odescalchi, Lady Vivian, Countess Canevaro, Maria Cozzi, Baron Tücher, M. Wagner. Gave them tea—& had much desultory talk. Mme de Bülow & I dined together at 8 in the restaurant of the hotel. Paid a little visit to Lady L. Legge who is still in bed–

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