0Friday. 17th [February 1899]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 February 1899 — Rome
Friday. 17th [February 1899]. This morning’s paper gave the startling news of the sudden death of President Faure in France from apoplexy. Certainly poor France has every kind of misfortune. The whole world is taken aback by it—& some even believe in foul play but that is not likely– People talk of little else– Donna Laura called for me at 3 & took me for a drive. Donna Laura Gropallo lunched with me– She is picturesque with her tuft of white hair on her forehead in the midst of her dark hair. After lunch she came & sat & talked in my sitting room. We had a long argument on the morals of “artists” which she claims to be exempt from the rules which govern commonplace individuals. I argued the sin for all is bad—what is bad is ugly & what is ugly is not artistic. She was very excited & said “Art! Art” conforms to no rule. She aspires to be an artist—writes books & plays which I am told are very improper & tho’ her personal conduct is good, I verily believe, she is bohemian in ways & wishes to be original. She said she is writing a play for the Duse to act– Donna Laura Minghetti took me to drive at the Villa Doria where it was beautiful but rather cold & damp. We also left cards of sympathy at the French Embassy & then she brought me back to the Hotel at 4.30. I went on foot to H. Beausite to fetch Hilda Keppel & to take her for a walk. I took her to have tea at Miss Wilson’s rooms—& then we walked along the Corso & at the Due Macelli separated & went to our respective hotels. I found a card from Lady Vivian asking me to dine with her but I was too tired to go out again so I dined in the restaurant with Lady Louisa Legge & she played patience in my room afterwards.

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