0Thursday. 6th [April 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 April 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 6th [April 1899]. Typed all morning—after lunch out with Lady V & the twins & they left cards on the Venetian ladies & we went to Pal. Vendramin where there was a lawn tennis party—only it was cold & nobody would play. We stayed a short time & then came home to tea. Css Valmarana came also Belmondo & Olga Mocenigo. After dinner I took Lady V. & the twins out in gondola to hear the singing on the canal. There were 3 boatloads of very indifferent singers all singing at the tops of their voices within earshot of each other. The result was painful!

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