0Wednesday. 3rd [May 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 May 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 3rd [May 1899]. Had a long talk with Nellie over her matrimonial prospects before she went off to her day’s work. Things very unsatisfactory. Had a visit fr Mr Charles Alderson her uncle who is also very anxious something definite should be settled one way or another. Had a visit from Aimée Cariati & her 2 boys who are off to school tomorrow & evidently require the discipline as they had no notion how to behave themselves. Lunched alone at 1.30 & then walked to S. Audley St to see Mrs Rate & sat with her some time. Home to tea. Went to dine at 25 Park Crescent. Maria does not dine downstairs. Dacre & Louis were there besides Issie & Daisy. Maria went to bed soon after dinner & I sat talking with Richard over the Rhuvon-Merthyr lawsuit—which is a depressing subject. Merthyr seems likely to lose it & Rhuvon & Co seem to be behaving disgracefully. Louis walked me home by 11 o’cl.

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