0Tuesday. 27th [June 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 June 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 27th [June 1899]. I had a dinner party this evening for young people to which came Augusta Guest & Mary Alderson, Miss Mary Montagu & Miss Griscolm, Mr Wyld, Mr Hoare, Mr Manine & Mr Chandos Pole Gell. Merthyr was to have come but he failed & remained at home to help Theo to prepare for their ball to wh we all went after dinner. I remained there till 12.30 & then came home. It was Theo’s 1st ball & not a very great success I fear as rich Mr Astor (U.S.) had a splendid concert with Melba to sing & S. Bernard to act.

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