0Sunday. 30th [July 1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 July 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 30th [July 1899]. Went to Charing Cross station and there met my brother Ivor & Nela Du Cane & we left for Paris at 11 o’cl: Had a good crossing and sat on deck. Reached Paris a little after 7 & went to lodge at Hotel Westminster Rue de la Paix. Dined at 8 & then Ivor went out to the Station de l’Est to enquire about a compartment in the train tomorrow– Nela & I took a walk to Rue St Roch to see M. Belard of the Hotel St Romain where Henry & I always stayed in former days. Met M. Belard at his door & had a friendly talk with him. He seems to be in want of a clientèle, most of his old friends having died out. I promised to [do] all I can to recommend him & then we left him & walked back to our hotel & went to bed.

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